EU project to better digital literacy

In Belfast, we trained the first generation of IT mentors who will enable the teaching of digital literacy in seven European countries.

EU projektom do bolje digitalne pismenosti

Skills IT” project represents the continuation of the strategic partnership of seven foreign partners from Ireland, Croatia, Turkey, Spain, the Czech Republic, Greece and Italy. The aim of this meeting in Belfast is to implement an educational program that will increase the digital literacy of people with low or no qualifications, people with basic occupations, unemployed people, migrants, the economically inactive and the elderly.

Within the training, staff had the opportunity to share best practices, tools and strategies to maximize the implementation phase of the project's target group education with 84 disadvantaged adults in partner countries. In this way, we will achieve the goal of the project, which will increase ICT competences among adults from our target group.

Overview of education

  • Three people from each partner organization participated in the training, a total of 21 participants
  • BWC developed a mentoring training concept that included learning outcomes, educational materials and curriculum
  • BWC held training for selected mentors within partner organizations
  • Trained mentors will be involved in mentoring the target group in all partner countries
  • The added value of the training is transnational cooperation and exchange of experiences among the staff of partner organizations

Digital literacy is as important as the ability to read or write, and includes digital knowledge and skills such as working with word processing software and spreadsheets, using web browsers, e-mail and internet browsers, and acquiring these basic digital skills greatly increases the opportunities for unemployed people to by finding employment and making them more competitive on the labor market.

The Callidus team in Belfast actively participated in project activities in which three people from Croatia became IT mentors, which will enable the further implementation of the digital literacy promotion program in Croatia and thus contribute to the realization of this successful European educational project. As part of the project, the conference "Developing Peer Mentoring for Adult Learners" was held with all partners and relevant interested parties with the aim of presenting the education module of peer mentoring to the public.

The next project meeting will be held in KAS, Turkey in June 2018.

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