New working hours of Callidus: we are introducing a 4-day working week!
As a socially responsible institution, we decided to introduce a four-day work week for all our employees

With the aim of improving the quality of the personal and private life of our employees, we brought an official The decision about the new working hours of Callidus, which reduces the number of working hours per week from 40 hours to 32 hours. From September 2022, the working week at Callidus will thus last four days - from Monday to Thursday. We believe that a weekend of three full days off will allow our employees to rest more, but also to devote themselves to their own interests and hobbies.
For Callidus, socially responsible business has always been in the first place, and this decision is just a continuation of the activities that we started through the project O2 – Through education to sustainability, through which we enable the entire social community to use educational materials created as part of various EU projects in which Callidus participated or was the holder of them, completely free of charge.