Free Croatian language course

Callidus Education Center for adults, located at Filipa Vukasovića 1, 10000 Zagreb, is starting a free Croatian language course, funded by the City of Zagreb. The course is intended for applicants for international protection and persons under international protection, temporary protection, and foreign workers with a residence and work permit.

Interested parties can apply via e-mail: or by phone number 01/5565 772. People who are already taking courses at other civil society organizations can apply to take the certification exam.

The start of the course depends on the formation of groups, and classes begin as soon as enough students register. 

The implementation of the course is part of the integration policy of the City of Zagreb and is being implemented as an activity of the Action Plan of the City of Zagreb for the implementation of the Charter of Integrating Cities for 2023 and 2024, until the end of 2025, and is financed with funds from the Budget of the City of Zagreb.

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