ADA project - "Technical Academy for the Automotive Industry in Serbia"
Project coordinator: BFI, Austria
- Callidus - Adult Education Institution, Croatia
- Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Serbia
- Weidinger & Partner, Austria
- WKO, Austria
Total value of the project: EUR 994,150.00
Financing: 50% Austrian Development Agency (ADA) + 50% Coordinator and Partners
Duration: 01.07.2017 – 29.02.2020
Aim of the project: The goal of the project was to develop a training and development centre (Technical Academy) for the automotive sector in Serbia with the aim of integrating it into the Education Sector of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
Main project activities and results:
- Establishment of the Technical Academy as an integral part of the education department within the Serbian Chamber of Commerce
- Curriculum development according to the principle of "blended" learning
- Potential analysis for coach and mentor education
- Development and development of curricula for the education of trainers and mentors
- Education of a total of 30 mentors
- Education of a total of 20 mentors from partner companies
- Pilot education for at least 200 participants according to the principle of dual education within lifelong education
- Publicity activities and dissemination of the project
- Project administration
Target group of the project:
- Vocational school teachers, trainers of adult education institutions and adequate candidates from the profession
- Employees/workers from partner companies
- Employed persons for training purposes
- Unemployed persons
The Republic of Serbia has recognized the necessity of investing in education, especially in companies that have significant growth potential and offer greater employment opportunities. New investments and realizing the full potential of economic growth depend to a large extent on qualified personnel.
The establishment of the Technical Academy improved the orientation of professional education towards the labor market, and accelerated the transfer of knowledge and skills ("know-how") oriented to the needs of the labor market, i.e. the needs of the Serbian automotive industry. The Academy significantly improves communication within the needs between the labor market, the growing automotive industry and educational institutions in Serbia.
With this project, Callidus is recognized as a socially responsible partner who, together with a large network of foreign partners and experts, participates in numerous educational projects and actively contributes to the improvement of the education system.
ADA project - "Center for practical training of experts from the Moldovan financial system"
Project coordinator: Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG (Grawe), Austria
- Callidus - Adult Education Institution, Croatia
- Raiffeisen Leasing Moldova, Moldova
- PR Callidus Moldova, Moldova
- GmbH, Austria
- Center of Excellence for Economy and Finance in Moldova
- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova
- National Bank of the Republic of Moldova
- Supervisory body of the financial market of the Republic of Moldova
Total value of the project: EUR 994,770.00
Financing: 50% Austrian Development Agency (ADA) + 50% Coordinator and Partners
Duration: 01.03.2017. – 31.08.2019.
Goal of a project:
The goal of the project was the establishment of a Financial Center for Education, oriented towards practice, for the further training of specialists from the Moldovan financial sector. The training center became part of the already existing Center of Excellence for Finance previously established by the Moldovan Ministry of Education. The goals of the project were successfully achieved through the modernization, piloting and accreditation of the educational center's program.
Main project activities and results:
- Structuring and establishment of the Financial Education Center
- Curriculum creation in coordination with project partners, companies and the Ministry of Education
- Analysis of the potential for trainer training and mentor training and selection of appropriate participants
- Implementation of training for 15 trainers and 15 mentors
- Creation and introduction of a learning platform
- Implementation of professional education in the field of finance for 250 people
- Project administration
- Publicity activities and dissemination of the project
Target group of the project:
- Trainers of institutions for adult education, teachers of vocational schools
- University professors
- Experts in the field of finance
- Employees/workers from partner companies
- Employed persons for training purposes
- Unemployed persons
The very idea of the project was based on the conducted feasibility study on the "Center for Continuing Education in the Moldovan Finance Sector" whose goal was to investigate the relevance and conditions for the formation of such an institution in Moldova. The feasibility study concluded that the establishment of a practical training center for the Moldovan financial sector is of great importance on several levels:
- Moldovan companies and Austrian investors in the insurance and leasing business can qualify their employees and thus expand their presence on the market
- the Moldovan employment service can adequately educate the unemployed in the appropriate training center, and thus at the same time increase these qualified individuals' prospects for employment in the Moldovan financial sector, especially for women who have a great opportunity for advancement and the possibility of earning high incomes in this sector
As part of this project, the financial-educational center became networked with all relevant institutions and leading companies in the financial sector of the Republic of Moldova. The great need for well-educated experts in this sector and the advantages they gain on the labor market after training are certainly a significant motivation for companies in financing a developed training structure, especially when using online learning platforms.
After the training, the companies that participated in the project acquired 15 employees who can provide professional and personal support and practical training for students and trainees. This also created the possibility for 25 new jobs.
ADA Project: Vocational Education Center of Moldova
Project coordinator: Strabag, Austria
- Callidus - Adult Education Institution, Croatia
- BFI, Austria
- Concordia, Moldova
- Baukolleg Chisinau, Moldova
- L&R Sozialforschung, Austria
- Employment Service, Moldova
- BMASK, Austria
- Ministry of Construction and Regional Development, Moldova
- Employers' umbrella organization, Moldova
- Construction college Chisinau and associated partners, Moldova
Total value of the project: EUR 995,375.00
Financing: 50% Austrian Development Agency (ADA) + 50% Coordinator and Partners
Duration: 01.09.2013. – 31.03.2016.
Goal of a project: Establishment of an extra-corporate professional center (CoE - Center of Excellence - Center of Excellence) for the implementation of a dual system of vocational education in construction in those professions for which there is a specific need, especially contractors in civil engineering and formwork construction works.
Main project activities and results:
Organizational structure (Strabag, bfi, L&R)
- Finding and training suitable trainers
- Finding or adapting and harmonizing the necessary infrastructure
- Development of curricula with experts from Austria and Moldova
Education of trainers for adult education
- Creation of teaching materials in accordance with the conditions of the local population
- Implementation of two "Train-to-trainer" trainings for 30 people in a period of 40 days with the following teaching units; communication, presentation, conflict management, teamwork, practical skills, basics of andragogy, psychology and didactics, seminar planning, technical skills and professional skills specific to a particular profession
- Evaluation of the conducted seminars
- Issuance of a certificate of successful completion of education
Education of mentors in companies
- Preparation of written materials with instructions for the mentor's work
- Implementation of training for mentors for 10 people in 10 days of training with contents such as monitoring of participants in future trial trainings, transfer of operational principles in the field of dealing with workers involved in training, internal connection of actors engaged in practical training, communications and conflict management
- Training evaluation
- Issuance of certificates
Analysis of opportunities, professional guidance / training and trial training for construction workers and experts
- Analysis of the potential for professional orientations
- Creation of training materials for the professional development program according to local conditions in the local native language
- Theoretical and practical training for 25 to 30 participants modeled on Austrian non-corporate (external) workshops
- Implementation of practical training for 120 employed or unemployed persons in the construction industry in 8 to 10 groups
- Issuance of a certificate of participation and success
Accompanying measures (Strabag, L & R)
- Public relations (conferences, networking, marketing)
- 3 workshops lasting 2 days with relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Infrastructure, companies, employment offices, social partners)
- Development of the marketing concept, i.e. assessment of the possibility of sustainable development
Target group of the project:
- Moldovan construction industry
- Young and highly qualified construction workers trained at the Employment Center
ADA Project 5: ALLED - Aligning education with the needs of the labor market (Kosovo)
Project coordinator: Bit management, Austria
- Callidus - Adult Education Institution, Croatia
- WUS Austria, Austria
- KulturKontakt Austria (KKA), Austria
Total value of the project: EUR 2,663,716.00
Financing: 50% Austrian Development Agency (ADA) + 50% Coordinator and Partners
Duration: 15.02.2015. – 15.11.2017.
Goal of a project:
The main goal of the project "ALLED - aligning education with the needs of the labor market (Kosovo)" was to strengthen the quality and relevance of educational programs and the link between education and the labor market as a prerequisite for employability and economic development. The implementation of the project improved cooperation and communication between educational institutions and social partners.
Main project activities and results:
- Strengthening the links between higher education and the labor market through the development, modernization and quality reform of higher education programs with the aim of meeting the needs of the labor market
After assessing the needs of the labor market, the selected number of priority study programs of higher education institutions (higher education institutions), especially public universities, was revised and modernized in accordance with the needs of the labor market and European quality standards. Furthermore, the curriculum of higher education institutions for teacher training has been modernized and harmonized with the new curriculum of schools in Kosovo. Higher education institutions have developed and implement degree supplements to help guide graduates toward employment opportunities. The capacities of the management and teaching staff of the relevant universities/faculties have been strengthened, especially those aimed at training teachers.
- Ensuring the successful implementation of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) through verified qualifications offered by accredited institutions at levels 1-5
Qualifications obtained through secondary vocational education programs are peer-reviewed for the purpose of meeting NQA evaluation criteria, including qualifications at different levels of the National Qualifications Framework. Furthermore, professional qualifications have also been peer-reviewed, and a diverse range of qualifications based on occupational standards has been developed across levels 1 – 5 of the NKO. The capacities of vocational education institutions and stakeholders (including social partners) have been developed to provide qualifications in accordance with NQA evaluation criteria.
- Improving the quality of practical and applied teaching and learning (in vocational schools in basic professional sectors relevant to the needs of the labor market)
Vocational teachers underwent additional training for the purpose of using the basic materials and equipment needed for conducting vocational classes, and several vocational schools were equipped with modern equipment necessary for practical learning and the execution of vocational programs, along with the materials and instructions on how to use them.
Target group of the project
- Companies
- Government institutions
- Institutions of higher education
- Individuals