
  • 16 Lessons

    3D modeling of the prototype

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: EUR 1,410.98

    The price of the program includes a license for the vector program ZW3D, which you can use for the duration of the education.   


    Duration of classes: 150 hours

    • 30 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 90 hours – Work-based learning
    • 30 hours - Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Minimalno završena trogodišnja (ili četverogodišnja) srednja škola u sektoru strojarstva, brodogradnje i metalurgije, elektrotehnike i računarstva ili gimnazijski program.

    Performance: Hybrid - Online teaching / 3 visits to the 3D laboratory

    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of microqualification 3D modeling upon successful completion of the program. Each participant also receives an additional certificate from the AHK (German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce), a recognized sign of quality and compliance of the education program with high German standards!


    Goal of the 3D modeling program is the acquisition of competencies for carrying out the entire 3D modeling process, understanding and practical application of all steps in the 3D modeling process, with complete knowledge of symbols from technical documentation, as well as the creation of technical documentation that accompanies the 3D modeling process.

  • 14 Lessons

    3D modeliranje prototipa – Prosinac

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: EUR 1,410.98

    The price of the program includes a license for the vector program ZW3D, which you can use for the duration of the education.   


    Duration of classes: 150 hours

    • 30 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 90 hours – Work-based learning
    • 30 hours - Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Minimalno završena trogodišnja (ili četverogodišnja) srednja škola u sektoru strojarstva, brodogradnje i metalurgije, elektrotehnike i računarstva ili gimnazijski program.

    Performance: Hybrid - Online teaching / 3 visits to the 3D laboratory

    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of microqualification 3D modeling upon successful completion of the program. Each participant also receives an additional certificate from the AHK (German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce), a recognized sign of quality and compliance of the education program with high German standards!


    Goal of the 3D modeling program is the acquisition of competencies for carrying out the entire 3D modeling process, understanding and practical application of all steps in the 3D modeling process, with complete knowledge of symbols from technical documentation, as well as the creation of technical documentation that accompanies the 3D modeling process.

  • 0 Lessons

    3D scanning and data processing

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: EUR 1,175.79

    Duration of classes: 125 hours  

    • 25 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 75 hours – Work-based learning
    • 25 hours – Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Full qualification at level 4.1 or higher; for occupations from the sectors "mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metallurgy" and "electrical engineering and computing" or the gymnasium program.


    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant after successfully completing the program receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of microqualification 3D scanning and data processing.  


    Goal of the 3D scanning and data processing program is to enable participants to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to implement appropriate measurement procedures for measuring shapes and dimensions while taking into account environmental factors that can affect the measurement. Furthermore, upon completion of the module, participants will know how to analyze measurement results, and independently create and interpret technical documentation.

  • 34 Lessons

    Project management assistant

    Partial financing through HZZ vouchers in the amount of 751,61 EUR. The difference in price is covered by the participant.

    Price: EUR 1,410.98  

    Duration of classes: 350 hours

    • 102 - Guided learning and teaching process
    • 118 - Learning based on work
    • 130 - Independent activities of students

    Enrollment conditions: It is possible to enroll in the program with a minimum completed qualification at level 4.2 (four-year high school education).

    Belief: Upon successful completion of the program, the participant obtains a Certificate of Training for obtaining the partial qualification Project Management Assistant/Project Management Assistant

  • 0 Lessons

    Cleaning the workspace

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: EUR 411.45

    Program duration: 200 hours

    • 40 hours – Duration of theoretical classes
    • 80 hours – Duration of independent study
    • 80 hours – Duration of independent online learning

    Enrollment conditions: Completed primary school education. 

    Belief on training for the acquisition of the micro-qualification "Workspace Cleaning".

    Goal: With regard to the requirements placed on the cleaning activity, it is necessary to ensure trained workers who can meet different cleaning requirements, who are capable of integration into different work environments. This program will be aimed both at formalizing existing knowledge and skills, as well as at acquiring modern knowledge and skills in the cleaning industry.

  • 0 Lessons

    Corporate social responsibility

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: EUR 335.92

    Program duration: 125 h

    • 62 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 38 hours – Work-based learning
    • 25 hours – Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions:  Full qualification at level 4.2

    Belief: Certificate of training for the acquisition of micro-qualification Socially responsible business.

    Goal program is to enable participants to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the application of socially responsible business concepts in order to improve business processes and business development in order to increase competitiveness. Participants will be able to connect the characteristics of socially responsible business with the global goals of sustainable development in order to achieve a positive impact on society and the environment based on ethical behavior. 

  • 1 Lesson

    Croatian language for foreigners

    Levels A1, A2, B1

    Lesson duration and price:

    A1 - 140 hours - 720.00 EUR

    A2 - 140 hours - 720.00 EUR

    B1 - 280 hours - EUR 1,400.00  

    Enrollment conditions: completed primary school (level 1 of the Croatian Qualification Framework) and at least 14 years of age in accordance with the Adult Education Act (Official Gazette 144/21).

    Application for taking the exam:

    Taking the exam without attending classes is available to candidates who already have a certain knowledge of the language and wish to obtain an officially recognized certificate.

    Individual lessons with students:

    We provide individual classes in the Croatian language, adapted to the needs of each participant. Individual Croatian language lessons are available for all levels, allowing you to progress faster and have more flexibility in your schedule.

    Goal Croatian language classes for foreigners is the development of communication competences, i.e. the training of students for appropriate communication in a foreign language in various situations: in a foreign language environment, in their own country with foreign speakers, at multinational gatherings and in other situations where they have to use a foreign language. This means enabling participants to achieve language competence in all language skills: listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and writing. At the same time, students develop understanding and acceptance of new and different cultures - intercultural competence and tolerance - but also awareness of their own culture.

  • 0 Lessons

    ISPIT IZ HRVATSKOG JEZIKA za dugotrajni boravak

    • Cijena: 150,00 EUR
    • Callidus – Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih službena je ustanova za provođenje ispita iz hrvatskog jezika i latiničnog pisma za strance, ovlaštena od strane Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske.
    • Ispit za potvrdu poznavanja hrvatskog jezika potreban je za stjecanje dugotrajnog boravka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kandidati polažu ispit na razini B1, koji uključuje pismeni i usmeni dio, a ocjenjuju se slušanje, pisanje i čitanje te vladanje jezičnim strukturama, a u usmenom dijelu govorna produkcija i govorna interakcija. Nakon položene provjere polaznici dobivaju svjedodžbu o položenom stupnju prema Pravilniku o javnim ispravama u obrazovanju odraslih.
    • Za više informacija kontaktirajte nas telefonski na broj 01 556 5772 ili na e-mail
    • Callidus – Adult Education Institution is an official institution for conducting Croatian language and Latin script exams for foreigners, authorized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
    • The exam, which confirms knowledge of the Croatian language, is required to obtain long-term residence in the Republic of Croatia. Candidates take the exam at the B1 level, which includes both written and oral sections. Assessed skills include listening, writing, reading, and mastery of language structures, with spoken production and interaction evaluated in the oral section. Upon passing the exam, candidates receive a certificate for the completed level according to the Regulation on Public Documents in Adult Education.
    • For more information, contact us by phone at +385 1 556 5772 or by email at
  • 11 Lessons

    Modern Management - management of teams, processes and changes


    Price: EUR 2,000.00 +VAT

    Duration of classes: 150 hours

    • 88 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 15 hours – Work-based learning
    • 47 hours – Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Completed the first degree of university or work experience in the economy for a minimum of 3 years.

    Belief: Certificate of completion of the Modern Management education program - management of teams, processes and changes.

    Goal program is to acquire knowledge and competences for effective and efficient management of teams, business processes and changes, through the application of modern management principles used in successful companies around the world.

  • 0 Lessons

    Obrada poligonalnih mreža i naknadna obrada 3D skeniranih objekata

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: 1.480,66 EUR

    Duration of classes: 175 sati  

    • 35 sati – Vođeni proces poučavanja i učenja
    • 90 sati – Učenje temeljeno na radu
    • 50 hours - Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Posjedovanje prethodne kvalifikacije minimalno na razini 4.1 HKO-a (trogodišnja srednja škola) iz područja strojarstva ili elektrotehnike ili završen gimnazijski program

    Belief: Program je verificiran i svaki polaznik po uspješno završenom programu dobiva Uvjerenje o usavršavanju za stjecanje mikrokvalifikacije obrada poligonalnih mreža i naknadna obrada 3D skeniranih objekata

    Goal programa je osposobiti polaznike za upotrebu softverskih paketa za obradu poligonalnih mreža i naknadnu obradu skeniranih 3D objekata.

  • 16 Lessons

    Production of workpieces by 3D printing

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: 2,500.00 EUR

    Duration of classes: 325 hours

    • 80 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 150 hours – Work-based learning
    • 95 hours – Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Completed three-year (or four-year) secondary school in the field of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metallurgy, electrical engineering and computing.

    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant upon successful completion of the program receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of the micro-qualification Production of workpieces by 3D printing.

  • 16 Lessons

    Proizvodnja izradaka 3D ispisom – Prosinac

    Free with HZZ voucher

    Price: 2,500.00 EUR

    Duration of classes: 325 hours

    • 80 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 150 hours – Work-based learning
    • 95 hours – Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Completed three-year (or four-year) secondary school in the field of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metallurgy, electrical engineering and computing.

    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant upon successful completion of the program receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of the micro-qualification Production of workpieces by 3D printing.

  • 19 Lessons

    3D technology specialist


    Price: 3,500 EUR

    Discount for early registration (at least one month before the start of the education) 10%
    Payment at once 5%
    Alumni 5%
    Contact via alumni 5%

    Total duration of the program: 126 teaching hours

    • 68 hours – Online lectures
    • 28 hours – Practical classes in the laboratory of the 3D group (3 visits)
    • 26 hours - Preparation of the final paper with a mentor
    Enrollment conditions: knowledge of working on a computer, completed secondary school, over 18 years of age, medical certificate on health capacity to perform work

    Belief: The program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Croatia,A certificate of training for the use of 3D technologies in production and creative processes is issued to the participant who successfully completes the final check of acquired knowledge and skills. . Each participant also receives an additional certificate from the AHK (German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce), a recognized sign of quality and compliance of the education program with high German standards!


    Learn all about 3D printing and turn your ideas and computer designs into real, tangible products! Enroll in the "3D Academy" program and become a specialist in 3D optical methods.

  • 0 Lessons

    Sales specialist in drugstores


    Price: EUR 1,128.14

    Program duration: 188 hours

    • theoretical teaching: 64 teaching hours
    • exercises: 24 teaching hours
    • practical teaching: 100 teaching hours under the supervision of a mentor

    Enrollment conditions:
    This program can be enrolled by people who have completed a three-year high school for the profession of salesperson or who have completed any four-year high school.

    Belief: The program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Croatia, and the participant has the right to a certificate of training and to enter the title "Training for sales in specialized stores - drugstores" in the work book.

    Start of the program: winter/spring 2023.

    In the time of rapid changes in the trends in the sale of drugstore products, which occur due to the increased awareness of customers about healthy living, the volume of business and the number of employees in drugstores and stores of healthy products is growing.

  • 0 Lessons

    Trade operations of the drugstore

    Partial financing through HZZ vouchers in the amount of EUR 506.07. The difference in price is covered by the participant.

    Price: EUR 663.61

    Duration of classes: 200 hours

    • 50 hours – Guided teaching and learning process
    • 100 hours - Work-based learning
    • 50 hours - Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions:
    Full qualification at level 4.1 or 4.2, occupations: salesman, commercialist, economist, beautician, medical beautician, hairdresser, pedicurist, food technician, nutritionist technician, pharmaceutical technician, high school graduate.

    Belief: The program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Croatia, and the participant has the right to a certificate of training and entry of the completed title in the work book as "Education program for the acquisition of a micro-qualification in retail operations in a drug store".

    Goal micro-qualification "Drug store business" is to provide training for people who want to work in specialized drug stores in order to join the labor market as soon as possible and contribute their knowledge and skills to the best possible service to customers who are increasingly demanding and self-aware.

  • 1 Lesson

    Human resources management in small and medium enterprises

    Price: 3,500.00 EUR

    Popust 10% za prijave do 20.2.2025.

    Duration of classes: 400 hours

    • 85 hours - guided learning and teaching process
    • 195 hours - work-based learning
    • 120 hours - independent activities of participants

    Performance: Hybrid (online and live)

    Enrollment conditions: At least level 4.2 HKO of the economy and trade sector / At least level 4.2 HKO and five years of work experience in human resources management.

    Belief: Certificate of vocational specialist training for the acquisition of a partial qualification specialist in human resources management in small and medium-sized enterprises / specialist in human resources management in small and medium-sized enterprises

    Goal program: After completing the program, as an HR manager, you will know how to efficiently manage the human resources department in small and medium-sized companies as well as their structure, organize the division of labor, create job descriptions, introduce a salary determination system in the company, and better recruit and select employees in the company . You will also learn how to advise authorities on ways to improve work organization through analysis and identification of missing personnel. Through interactive lectures, case studies and practical exercises, this program equips participants to become key factors in boosting productivity, engagement and success of small and medium-sized enterprises.


  • 7 Lessons

    Introduction of socially responsible business and circular economy



    Duration of classes: 75 hours

    • 25 hours - Guided learning and teaching process
    • 35 hours - Work-based learning
    • 3 pm - Independent activities of the participants

    Enrollment conditions: Completed a minimum of three years of high school education.

    Belief: The program has been verified and every participant upon successful completion of the program receives a certificate of training for the acquisition of the micro-qualification Introduction of socially responsible business and circular economy in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Goal program is to impart basic knowledge on the preparation of basic procedures and standards in the organization of work, gender equality at work and the impact of business decisions on the environment and health to people in key positions in small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • 9 Lessons

    Manager of warehouse operations


    Price: 2,300 EUR

    Popust 10% za prijave do 20.2.2025.

    Program duration: 200 teaching hours

    • 32 hours – Theoretical lectures (4 visits)
    • 32 hours – Online lectures
    • 86 hours – Online learning
    • 50 hours – Preparation of the final paper with a mentor

    Enrollment conditions
    : A person who has at least completed a four-year technical and economic high school and is at least 18 years old can enroll in the training program for the performance of warehousing operations.

    Belief: The program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Croatia, asAfter successfully passing the final knowledge test, this student is issued with a certificate of training for the tasks of managing warehouse operations.

    Goal: Through this program, you will gain new knowledge derived from world practice and train for an innovative approach to solving business challenges within the storage department.