We participate in Erasmus+ educational projects worth half a million euros

For two years now, Callidus has been a proud member of the Euroeso group, within which it successfully participates in two Erasmus projects worth a total of more than half a million euros.

Sudjelujemo u Erasmus+ edukacijskim projektima vrijednima pola milijuna eura

At the meeting held at the end of February, new project ideas were presented and strategic partnerships were established, which will submit their ideas to published Erasmus+ tenders by the end of March this year. 

In the project Skill IT project, Erasmus+, worth 260,500 euros, the Callidus Institution participated with the aim of developing, designing and implementing the increase of basic skills, especially digital skills for adults, people with a low level of qualification or no qualifications, people with basic occupations, unemployed people, migrants and economic inactive and elderly people.

Youthcoach Project – My opportunity for the future”​ which was successfully completed this year, transferred, adapted and implemented innovative projects of strengthening the partnership between education and employment in initial vocational education and training. The project "Youthcoach Project - My opportunity for the future" worth 276,810 euros puts a special emphasis on the prevention of dropping out in vocational education from a multidimensional point of view, including companies, professional organizations and vocational teachers and trainers with an emphasis on capacity building of vocational teachers and trainers and young students in vocational education with the aim of retaining young people in vocational education and improving cooperation between vocational education and the world of work.​

Both projects are fully financed from the funds of the European Union, and you can find out more about the projects at the following link links.

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